Sorghum - Uganda Guide

Before we look at how to plant and grow Sorghum, let’s have a brief detail about its origin. Sorghum is an ancient cereal grain belonging to the grass family Poaceae. It's small, round, and usually white or yellow — though some varieties are red, brown, black, or purple.

In Uganda, Sorghum is the third most important cereal crop grown after maize and finger millet. It is widely grown in the drier short grass areas of Northern and Eastern parts of the country and is particularly grows well in drought prone Karamoja where it occupies over 80 per cent of the total crop hectarage.

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Uses of Sorghum in Uganda you to know

Sorghum crop is known for multiple uses as food, feed, fodder, and fuel. In addition to these, many other industrial applications such as health, pharmaceutical diagnosis, packing, synthesis of organic molecules, and utility items have been in place. Sorghum is also employed as pet feed for dogs, fish, etc. For Uganda’s perspective, let’s look at the following highlights below;

  • In Uganda, like in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, most of the sorghum produced (47%) is consumed at the household level followed by selling grain.
  • Sorghum being an important food security crop, a greater percentage is stored mostly for later use as food.
  • Much of what is sold is used for making alcohol lager beer by East African Breweries and Nile Breweries.
  • The grain is sometimes an ingredient of livestock feed while the stover is used for forage.
  • The forage may be fed sole or mixed with brewer’s mash.
  • The mash is also a good laxative feed for lactating cattle which results in increased milk production

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Is Sorghum healthier than wheat?

While sorghum is an excellent source of protein, its shortcomings are well documented. Studies have shown that humans digest only 46 percent of the sorghum they consume, compared with 81 percent of the protein in wheat and 73 percent in corn.

What products are made from Sorghum?

Similarly to other cereal grains like oats, flaked sorghum is delicious as a cereal and in baked products, such as granola bars and cookies. Syrup. Sorghum syrup is commonly added to processed foods as a natural sweetener or an alternative to molasses.

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