How To Set Up a Wireless Computer Network for a Home or Small Business In Uganda

A computer network is a group of 2 or more computers connected by a common communications link so that data, resources and peripheral devices can be shared between them. Although there are different methods for creating a computer network, wireless networks have become the standard in recent years, both at home and in the office. This is because a wireless network eliminates the need for a direct or physical connection between each computer or device on the network. An "ad-hoc" network also can be used to provide a temporary connection between 2 computers. This article provides detailed information on how to network computers.

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Method One: Set Up a Wireless Computer Network for a Home or Small Business

Step 1: Connect a cable modem to a live cable jack

A cable modem will connect to a short length of coax cable protruding from a wall (cable) jack. An account with a local cable Internet service provider will be required.

Step 2: Connect a DSL modem to a live phone line

DSL modems will connect through a telephone jack using a standard telephone cable, usually included with the modem at the time of purchase. An account with a local service provider will be required.
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Step 3: Connect the wireless router to the modem

Using the network cable (typically Ethernet), included with the purchase of the wireless router, plug 1 end into the modem and the other end into the first empty port, going from left to right, on the back of the wireless router. The first port is typically assigned a different color than the other Ethernet ports on the router.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the DSL or cable modem.

Step 4: Connect the host computer to the wireless router.

Using a network USB or Ethernet cable, plug 1 end into the network adapter on the computer and the other end into the next open port on the wireless router.
Plug in the power source for the modem, then plug in the power source for the wireless router. Wait a few moments for the devices to boot up.

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Step 5: Configure the wireless modem

Power on the computer and log in to the desktop.

• Open your Web browser, type in the URL or IP address into the address bar and press enter to be directed to the wireless router's configuration page. The configuration process will vary from device to device, however the differences will be subtle in most cases.

• Follow the instructions for configuration provided in the router's operation manual. Although the configuration process is mostly automated, the network name or SSID, the password, and the security settings should be changed from the default settings.

• Create a name for the network and enter it into the SSID field, typically found in the "Advanced settings" section of the router's configuration page.

• Create a password for the network that you will remember. Enter the new password into the "Security Key," or "Network Password" field, also normally located in the "Advanced settings" section of the router's configuration page.

• Select a security setting for the network. The options typically will be limited to "none," "WPA" or "WPA 2." WPA 2 is the option most often recommended because it offers stronger encryption and therefore greater security than WPA. Save the router settings when prompted. The wireless network will now appear in the list of available networks on the host computer.
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Step6: Connect other computers or devices to the new network by selecting "Connect to" from the Start menu and then selecting the newly created network from the list of available options in the "Connect to a network" dialog box.

Enter the network name and password assigned in the previous steps. The computer network is complete.

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